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Dye-fixing agent for nylon HD-2501

Dye-fixing agent for nylon  HD-2501
Product Name:Dye-fixing agent for nylon HD-2501
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English name:Dye-fixing agent for nylon HD-2501

Product details

尼龙固色剂  HD-2501

Dye-fixing agent for nylon  HD-2501

概述: 本高效尼龙固色剂HD-2501是一种高效的尼龙固色剂,耐酸,尤其适合于一些特深色(黑色,红色)以及一些对色牢度要求很高的染色或印花织物。

Summary: High performance nylon HD-2501 is a kind of efficient nylon dye fixing agent, Acid resistance, especially suitable for some special dark (black, red) and some high demand for colour fastness of the dyed or printed fabrics.



外观:深棕色液体(25℃)       PH值:2(25℃1%水溶液)

离子性:阴离子型          水溶性:与水互溶 

Physicochemical properties:

Appearance: Dark brown liquid (25°C)

PH value:2(25℃1% aqueous solution)

Ionicity: Anionic

Water-solubility: soluble in water







Product Features:

1.Improve the color fastness to wet processing of nylon and its blend fabrics, does not affect the light fastness, fastness after treatment because of the heat-setting decrease.

2.Easily diluted with water, stability: acid - base, hard water.

3.Because the product has a relatively low pH, so use them often no longer need to adjust the pH value, such as if you need to adjust the pH value of fruit, acid-free fixing agent can be added before or after adding acid can be added to the solution.

4.Prior to fixation must fully wash or soap, or will influence on the effect of fixation, fixation to avoid mixed liquid cationic substance.


使用方法: 加入1-3%的HD-2501,用量与纤维类型以及颜色深度有关,运转,HD-2501混合均匀,如果需要加入醋酸调节PH值到4或更低,以1.5℃/分钟的速度升温到70℃,保温处理15-20分钟,放水,冲洗到PH为中性。

Directions for Use: Add 1-3% HD-2501, the dosage and fiber type and color depth, Running, mixing HD-2501, if needed, added to acetic acid to adjust the pH to 4 or lower, the rate of warming of 1.5 °C/min to 70 degrees celsius, heat for15-20 minutes, the water washing to neutral pH.