无醛固色剂 HD-2579
formaldehyde free fixing agent HD-2579
概述: 无甲醛固色剂HD-2579可用于分散染料、酸性染料、直接染料和活性染料染色后的固色处理。经固色剂HD-2579固色处理后,可提高织物的皂洗、汗渍、摩擦等牢度,而且还有日晒牢度不下降、布面不含游离甲醛,色变小等优点。
Summary: HD-2579 of formaldehyde-free fixing agent can be used for disperse dyes, acid dyes, direct dyes and reactive dyes in solid-color processing after dyeing.HD-2579 by the fixing agent after solid-color processing, can improve the fabric of the soaping, perspiration,rubbing fastness, but also the fastness is not reduced, the cloth don't contain free formaldehyde, as little color change etc.
外观:浅黄色透明液体 (25℃) PH7-8 (25℃1%水溶液)
离子性:阳离子型 水溶性:与水互溶
Physicochemical properties:
Appearance: Light yellow transparent
liquid (25° )PH value: 7-8(25℃1% aqueous solution)
Ionicity: Cationic
Water-solubility: soluble in water
4、固色前必须充分水洗或皂洗,否则将影响固色效果,固色液中尽量避免混入阴离子物质。 Product Features:
1.This product is suitable for fixing the cotton, polyester, hemp fiber fabric.
2.As the anti-soaping color of the products after processing of the product can reach 4~5, the dry grinding and 4 grade wet-milling around the 3 level.
3.The use of the bright degree of the fabric treated with this product, is not subject to the effects of shade, the operation is simple and easy to use.
4.Prior to fixation must fully wash or soap, or will influence on the effect of fixation, fixation try to avoid mixing with anionic substances in the liquid.
浸渍法:用量为2-4%(O.W.F)35-45℃ 5~15min。
Directions for Use:
Padding method: the dosage of 20-30g/1;
Method: 2-4%% (0.W.F) and 35-45 °C for 5~15min